Program and Papers 2012

Program of the 5th Annual Conference on

The Political Economy of International Organizations

January 26 – 28, 2012



Thursday, January 26, 2012

Breakfast at hotel (

8:45-9:00am Opening remarks

9:00-10:45am Session 1: Free Trade Agreements
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Katharina Michaelowa (Zurich)

10:45-11:15am Break

11:15-1:00pm Session 2: IMF
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: J. Lawrence Broz (California, San Diego)

1:00-2:30pm Lunch

2:30-4:15pm Session 3: Informal Influence
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Randall Stone (Rochester)

4:30-6:30pm Poster Session with Cocktails
(Location: Dundale Hall)

World Trade Organization

International Monetary Fund


United Nations

Multilateral Development Banks


7:00pm: Dinner
(Location: Susanna Foo)



Friday, January 27, 2012

Breakfast at hotel (

9:00-10:45am Session 4: World Trade Organization
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Simon Hug (Geneva)

10:45-11:15am Break

11:15-12:30pm Session 5: World Bank
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Christopher Kilby (Villanova)

12:30-2:00pm Lunch

2:00-3:45pm Session 6: Regional Integration
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Stephen Knack (World Bank)

3:45-4:00pm Break

4:00-5:10pm Session 7: European Union
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich)

5:30pm: Bus to Philadelphia

6:30pm: Cocktails & Dinner
(Location: Union League in downtown Philadelphia)

10:00pm: Bus to Radnor Hotel



Saturday, January 28, 2012

Breakfast at hotel (

9:00-10:45am Session 8: Human Rights Organizations
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University)

10:45-11:15am Break

11:15-1:00pm Session 9: Environmental and other treaties
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: Michael Tierney (William & Mary)

1:00-2:30pm Lunch

2:30-4:15pm Session 10: Other International Organizations
(Location: Bartley 2001)

Chair: James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown)

4.15pm: Closing Remarks



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Conf5_Global Conf5_niehaus Conf5_Christopher
Villanova University Princeton University University of Pennsylvania