Program of the 4th Annual Conference on
The Political Economy of International Organizations
January 27 – 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
6:00-8:00pm Optional tour of Zurich (please register: )
Thursday, January 27, 2011
8:45-9:00am Opening remarks
9:00-10:45pm Session 1: European Union
(Location: Alumni-Pavillon; ETH MM C 78.1)
Chair: Axel Dreher (University of Goettingen)
- Paper 1: Christian H.C.A. Henning (Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel), Eva Krampe (Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel), How the European Union works: Theory and empirical evidence from EU agricultural policy. Discussion openers: Nikitas Konstantinidis, Roxana Sandu
- Paper 2: Christophe Crombez (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Wim Van Gestel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), The Role of the Trade Policy Committee in EU Trade Policy: A Political-Economic Analysis. Discussion openers: Michael Bechtel, Julia Gray
- Paper 3: Sascha Becker (University of Warwick), Peter Egger (ETH Zurich), Maximilian von Ehrlich (ETH Zurich), Too much of a good thing? On the growth effects of the EU’s regional policy. Discussion openers: Laura Pagani, Christina Schneider
10:45-11:15am Break
11:15-1:00pm Session 2: MDBs
(Location: Alumni-Pavillon; ETH MM C 78.1)
Chair: Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich/CIS)
- Paper 1: Chris Humphrey (London School of Economics and Political Science), Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich), The Business of Development: Trends in Lending by Multilateral Development Banks to Latin America, 1980-2009. Discussion openers: Josepa Miquel-Florensa, Eva Krampe
- Paper 2: Christina Schneider (University of California San Diego), Jennifer Tobin (Georgetown University), Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe? Delegation to Multilateral Development Banks. Discussion openers: Axel Dreher, Alessia Isopi
- Paper 3: Daniel Yew Mao Lim (Georgetown University), James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown University), Regional Organizations and International Politics: Trading Asian Development Bank Loans for United Nations Security Council Votes. Discussion openers: Christopher Kilby, Randall W. Stone
1:00-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4:50pm Session 3: IMF & World Bank
(Location: Alumni-Pavillon; ETH MM C 78.1)
Chair: Randal W. Stone (University of Rochester)
- Paper 1: Christopher Kilby (Villanova University), The Political Economy of Project Preparation: An Empirical Analysis of World Bank Projects. Discussion openers: Markus Jorra, Christopher O’Keefe
- Paper 2: Paul Clist (University of Nottingham), Alessia Isopi (University of Nottingham), Oliver Morrissey (University of Nottingham), Selectivity on Aid Modality: Determinants of Budget Support from Multilateral Donors. Discussion openers: Josepa Miquel-Florensa, Martin Roy
- Paper 3: Silvia Marchesi (Università di Milano-Bicocca), Alessandro Missale (Università de Milano), How defensive were lending and aid to HIPC? Discussion openers: Erick Duchesne, Julien Vauday
- Paper 4: J. Lawrence Broz (University of California San Diego), The United States Congress and IMF Financing, 1945-2009. Discussion openers: Rodwan Abouharb, Claudia Maurini
4:50-6:30pm Poster Session Reception
(Location: Restaurant UniTower; UZH KOL M) – hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served
- Paper 1: Michael Bechtel (ETH Zurich), Thomas Sattler (University College Dublin), Trade and Litigate? The Effect of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body on Trade Relations. Discussants: Krzysztof Pelc, Stephanie J. Rickard
- Paper 2: Manfred Elsig (University of Bern), Mark Pollack (Temple University), Agents Trustees, and International Courts: Nomination and Appointment of Judicial Candidates in the WTO Appellate Body. Discussants: Christina Davis, Stefanie Rickard
- Paper 3: Julia Gray (University of Pittsburgh), Jonathan B. Slapin (University of Houston), How Effective Are Regional Trade Agreements? Ask the experts. Discussants: Soo Yeon Kim, Krzysztof Pelc
- Paper 4: Tobias Hofmann (College of William & Mary), Infringements for Sale? Non-Compliance as Trade Policy. Discussants: Thomas Bernauer, Peter Egger
- Paper 5: Martin Roy (WTO), Political Economy of the Multilateral Commitments on Trade in Services. Discussants: Peter Rosendorff, Heinrich Ursprung
- Paper 6: Jean-Louis Arcand (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Marcelo Olarreaga (University of Geneva), Laura Zoratto (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Weak Governments and Trade Agreements. Discussants: Thomas Bernauer, Soo Yeon Kim
European Union
- Paper 7: Floriana Cerniglia (Università di Milano Bicocca), Laura Pagani (Università di Milano Bicocca), Does Political Knowledge Increase Support For Europe? A Cross Country Investigation of the Attitudes of European Citizens. Discussants: Margit Bussmann, Christophe Crombez
- Paper 8: Mareike Kleine (London School of Economics and Political Science), Making Cooperation Work: Informal Governance in the EU and Beyond. Discussants: Thomas Koenig, Wim Van Gestel
- Paper 9: Andreas Duer (University of Salzburg), Nikitas Konstantinidis (London School of Economics and Political Science), Ratifying International Treaties by Referendum: The Case of the EU’s Constitutional Treaty. Discussants: Christian H.C.A. Henning, Gerald Schneider
- Paper 10: Steffen Osterloh (ZEW Mannheim), Can Regional Transfers Buy Public Support? Evidence from EU Structural Policy. Discussants: Stefanie Bailer, Christina Schneider
- Paper 11: Roxana Sandu (Catholic University of Sacred Heart), The European Union: A Fiscal Federalism Perspective. Discussants: Simone Guenther, Christoph Luelfesmann
IMF & World Bank
- Paper 12: Rodwan Abouharb (University College London), Erick Duchesne (Université Laval), World Bank Structural Adjustment Programs and their Impact on Economic Growth: A Selection Corrected Analysis. Discussants: Stephen Knack, Silvia Marchesi
- Paper 13: Hye Jee Cho (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Impact of IMF Programs on Perceived Creditworthiness of Emerging Market Countries: Is there a “Nixon-Goes-to-China” ‘Effect? Discussants: J. Lawrence Broz, Chris Humphrey
- Paper 14: Axel Dreher (University of Goettingen), James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown University), Buying Votes and International Organizations. Discussants: J. Lawrence Broz, Dustin Tingley
- Paper 15: Markus Jorra (Justus Liebig University Giessen), The Effect of IMF Lending on the Probability of Sovereign Debt Crises. Discussants: Katharina Michaelowa, Alessandro Missale
- Paper 16: Claudia Maurini (Bank of Italy), The Political Economy of IMF Surveillance. Discussants: Silvia Marchesi, Randall W. Stone
- Paper 17: Josepa Miquel-Florensa (Université Toulouse), Incentives in Development Lending: Technical cooperation. Discussants: Florens Flues, Dustin Tingley
- Paper 18: Christopher O’Keefe (University of California San Diego), International Institutional Change and Multilateral Development Finance Institutions. Discussants: Alessia Isopi, Daniel Nielsen
- Paper 19: Julien Reynaud (University Paris I), Julien Vauday (University Paris XIII, CEPN), Private Interest Based Multilateral Loans. Discussants: Oliver Morrissey, David Rinaldi
IOs, general
- Paper 20: Songying Fang (Rice University), Randall W. Stone (University of Rochester), Trust and International Organizations. Discussants: Arye Hillman, Johannes Urpelainen
- Paper 21: Axel Dreher (University of Goettingen), Martin Gassebner (ETH Zurich), Simon Luechinger (University of Lucerne), Sticks and Carrots in International Terrorism. Discussants: Susanna Campbell, Erik Gartzke
- Paper 22: Simon Hug (Université de Genève), Richard Lukács (Université de Genève), Preferences of blocks? Voting in the United Nations Human Rights Council. Discussants: Niklas Potrafke, James Raymond Vreeland
- Paper 23: Autumn Lockwood Payton (European University Institute), Building a Consensus (Rule) for International Organizations. Discussants: Stephen Chaudoin, Tana Johnson
- Paper 24: Carmela Lutmar (University of Haifa), Is the Barcelona Process Working? – Empirical Assessment of the State of Democracy, Human Rights, and Quality of Governance in the League of Arab States. Discussants: Eric Neumayer, Nadim Schumann
- Paper 25: Christina J. Schneider (University of California San Diego), Branislav L. Slantchev (University of California San Diego), Delegation and Self-Enforcing Voting in International Organizations. Discussants: Sebastian Fehrler, Thomas Koenig
- Paper 26: Jeff Colgan (American University), Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University), Thijs Van de Graaf (Ghent University), Institutional Change in the Energy Regime Complex. Discussants: Katharina Michaelowa, Lasse Steiner
Friday, January 28, 2011
(Location: Aula; ETH HG G 60)
09:00-10:45pm Session 1: Trade
Chair: Arye L. Hillman (Bar-Ilan University)
- Paper 1: Krzysztof J. Pelc (McGill University), Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University), On The Use of Efficient Breach in International Agreements. Discussion openers: Tobias Hofmann, Martin Roy
- Paper 2: Daniel Yuichi Kono (University of California Davis), Stephanie J. Rickard (London School of Economics and Political Science), Policy Transparency and Compliance with International Agreements. Discussion openers: Christina Davis, Eric Neumayer
- Paper 3: Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich), Thomas Sattler (University College Dublin), Gabriele Spilker (ETH Zurich), Dispute Settlement as Rule Clarification or Enforcement? Evidence from the World Trade Organization. Discussion openers: Jeffrey Kucik, Laura Zoratto
10:45-11:15am Break
11:15-1:00pm Session 2: EU Institutions
Chair: Silvia Marchesi (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
- Paper 1: Michael Ehrmann (European Central Bank), Michel Soudan (European Central Bank), Livio Stracca (European Central Bank), Explaining the fall in citizens’ trust in the ECB during the global financial crisis. Discussion openers: Songying Fang, Stephen Knack
- Paper 2: Stefanie Bailer (ETH Zurich), Mikko Mattila (University of Helsinki), Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz), Money Makes the EU Go Round: The Objective Foundations of Conflict in the Council of Ministers. Discussion openers: Floriana Cerniglia, Mareike Kleine
- Paper 3: Thomas Koenig (University of Mannheim), Lars Maeder (University of Mannheim), A Strategic Model of Compliance and Enforcement. Discussion openers: Steffen Osterloh, Nadim Schumann
1:00-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4:15pm Session 3: Aid
Chair: Christopher Kilby (Villanova University)
- Paper 1: Helen Milner (Princeton University), Dustin Tingley (Harvard University), The Choice for Multilateralism: Foreign Aid and American Foreign Policy. Discussion openers: Erick Duchesne, David Rinaldi
- Paper 2: David B. Carter (Pennsylvania State University), Randall W. Stone (University of Rochester), Sincere or Strategic? U.S. Aid Disbursements and Voting in the United Nations General Assembly. Discussion openers: Niklas Potrafke, Nicolas Scharioth
- Paper 3: Zachary Christensen (Brigham Young University), Daniel Nielsen (Brigham Young University), Richard Nielsen (Harvard University), Michael Tierney (College of William and Mary), Transparency Squared: The Effects of Donor Transparency on Recipient Corruption Levels. Discussion openers: Carmela Lutmar, Thijs Van de Graaf
4:15-4:45pm Break
4:45-7.00pm Session 4: IOs and Institutional Quality
Chair: Lawrence Broz (University of California San Diego)
- Paper 1: Arye L. Hillman (Bar-Ilan University), Niklas Potrafke (University of Konstanz), Voting in the absence of ethical restraint: Decoys and dissonance in the United Nations. Discussion openers: Simon Hug, Nicolas Scharioth
- Paper 2: Leonardo Baccini (IMT Lucca), Soo Yeon Kim (Transatlantic Academy), Institutions, Information, and Trade Policy in Times of Crisis. Discussion openers: Martin Gassebner, Julia Gray
- Paper 3: Stefan Voigt (University of Hamburg), The Interplay Between National and International Law – Its Economic Effects Drawing on Four New Indicators. Discussion openers: Florens Flues, Autumn Lockwood Payton
- Paper 4: James Hollyer (New York University), Peter Rosendorff (New York University), Leadership Survival, Regime Type, Policy Uncertainty and PTA Accession. Discussion openers: T. Renee Bowen, Martin Gassebner
7:00-9:00pm Dinner for program participants
Saturday, January 29, 2011
(Location: Aula; ETH HG G 60)
9:00-10:00am Panel Discussion: Challenges of research in and about IOs
Chair: Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich/CIS)
- Stephen Knack, Lead Economist, World Bank
- Bertin Martens, Deputy Chief Economist, DG Trade – European Commission
- Marcelo Olarreaga, University of Geneva (formerly senior researcher at the WTO and the World Bank)
10:00-10:15am Break
10:15-12:00pm Session 1: WTO
Chair: Jan-Egbert Sturm (ETH Zurich/KOF)
- Paper 1: T. Renee Bowen (Stanford University), Limits of the WTO as a self-enforcing institution. Discussion openers: Peter Rosendorff, Laura Zoratto
- Paper 2: Christina L. Davis (Princeton University), WTO Adjudication as a Tool for Conflict Management. Discussion openers: Manfred Elsig, Tobias Hofmann
- Paper 3: Eric Neumayer (London School of Economics and Political Science), Strategic Delaying and Concessions Extraction in Accession Negotiations to the World Trade Organization. Discussion openers: Michael Bechtel, Heinrich Ursprung
12:00-1:30pm lunch
1:30-3:15pm Session 2: Conflict
Chair: James Vreeland (Georgetown University)
- Paper 1: Margit Bussmann (University of Greifswald), Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz), A Porous Humanitarian Shield: The Laws of War, the Red Cross, and the Killing of Civilians. Discussion openers: Erik Gartzke, Paolo Pamini
- Paper 2: Simon Hug (Université de Genève), Kristian Gelditsch (University of Essex), Livia Schubiger (University of Zurich), Julian Wucherpfennig (ETH Zurich), International Conventions and Non-State Actors: Selection, Signaling and Reputation Effects. Discussion openers: Susanna Campbell, Simone Guenther
- Paper 3: Terrence L. Chapman (University of Texas), Stephen Chaudoin (Princeton University), The Limits of an International War Crimes Regime. Discussion openers: Branislav L. Slantchev, James Raymond Vreeland
3:15-3:30pm break
3:30-5:50pm Session 3: Disaggregating IOs
Chair: Simon Hug (University of Geneva)
- Paper 1: Tana Johnson (Princeton University), Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University), Who Creates Intergovernmental Organizations? Discussion openers: Hye Jee Cho, Stefan Voigt
- Paper 2: Charles Boehmer (University of Texas at El Paso), Erik Gartzke (University of California San Diego), Timothy Nordstrom (University of Mississippi), Disaggregating International Organizations. Discussion openers: Terrence Chapman, Simon Hug
- Paper 3: Anke S. Kessler (Simon Fraser University), Christoph Luelfesmann (Simon Fraser University), The Architecture of Federations: Constitutions, Bargaining, and Moral Hazard. Discussion openers: Songying Fang, Nikitas Konstantinidis
- Paper 4: Bruno Frey (University of Warwick and Zurich), Paolo Pamini (ETH Zurich), Lasse Steiner (University of Zurich), What Determines the World Heritage List? An Econometric Analysis. Discussion openers: Sebastian Fehrler, Jan-Egbert Sturm
5:50-6:00pm Concluding remarks
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