Program of the 12th Annual Conference on
The Political Economy of International Organization
February 7-9, 2019
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
7:00 pm Dinner (optional, at own expense, please join at any time)
(Location: Bärenwirt, Müllner Hauptstraße 8)
Thursday, February 7, 2019
(Location: Unipark Nonntal, Josef-Preis-Allee)
8:45-9:00 am Opening remarks
9:00-10:45 am Session 1: IMF I
Chair: Gabriele Spilker
- Merih Angin (Harvard University), Albana Shehaj (University of Michigan), Adrian Shin (University of Colorado Boulder), IMF: International Migration Fund. Discussion openers: Hyeran Jo, Randall Stone
- Haillie Na-Kyung Lee (Princeton University), Phillip Lipscy (Stanford University), The Political Economy of International Reserve Accumulation: Self-Insurance or Mercantilism? Discussion openers: J Lawrence Broz, Aitor Erce
- Amanda Kennard (New York University), Diana Stanescu (Princeton University), Do International Bureaucrats Matter? Evidence from the International Monetary Fund. Discussion openers: Akos Mate, Michal Parízek
10:45-11:15 am Break
11:15-1:00 pm Session 2: Trade Agreements
Chair: Renee Bowen
- Ryan Brutger (University of Pennsylvania), Trade, Conflict, and Cooperation: How IOs Affect Domestic Support for International Agreements. Discussion openers: Sebastian Klotz, Thomas Sattler
- Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg), Lisa Lechner (University of Innsbruck), Who Wins and Who Loses from Trade Agreements? Stock Market Reactions to News on TPP and TTIP. Discussion openers: Axel Berger, Lauren Konken
- Andrew Lugg (University of Maryland), Neil Lund (University of Maryland), Manfred Elsig (World Trade Institute), Todd Allee (University of Maryland), Determining the Authorship of Preferential Trade Agreements: A New Technique Using a Supervised Author Topic Model v2.0. Discussion openers: Siyao Li, Tanja Schweinberger
1:00-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-3:45 pm Session 3: Regime Complexity and Donor Influence
Chair: Andreas Dür
- Matthew Rablen (University of Sheffield), Matthew Gould (Brunel University), Are World Leaders Loss Averse? Discussion openers: Konstantinos Matakos, Sebastian Krapohl
- Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Ronny Patz (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Klaus Goetz (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), What Drives Expenditure Allocation in IOs? Problem Pressure, Donor Interests, and Bureaucratic Resource Mobilization in the UNHCR and IOM. Discussion openers: Fanny Schories, Simon Hug
- Tyler Pratt (Yale University), Race to the Bottom? Overlapping Institutions, Policy Change, and Markets for Cooperation. Discussion openers: Nicolas Lampach, Charles Roger
3:45-4:15 pm Break
4:15-6:00 pm Session 4: Popular Opinion and Transparency
Chair: Daniel Nielson
- J. Lawrence Broz (University of California San Diego), Zhiwen Zhang (Sun Yat Sen University), Explaining Foreign Interest in China’s Global Economic Leadership: Bilateral Currency Swap Agreements. Discussion openers: Václav Ocelík, Rasmus Wiese
- Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich), The Mass Politics of International Disintegration. Discussion openers: Markus Gastinger, Katharina Meissner
- Dan Honig (John Hopkins SAIS), Ranjit Lall (London School of Economics), Brad Parks (AidData/College of William and Mary), When Does Transparency Improve Performance? Evidence from 23,000 Projects in 148 Countries. Discussion openers: Marek Endrich, Nicolas Lampach
7:00 pm Dinner
(Location Sternbräu, Griesgasse 23)
Friday, February 8, 2019
(Location: Unipark Nonntal, Josef-Preis-Allee)
8:25-10:45 am Session 5: Foreign Aid
Chair: Axel Dreher
- Simone Dietrich (University of Geneva), Helen Milner (Princeton University), Jonathan Slapin (University of Essex), From Text to Political Party Positions on Foreign Aid: Analysis of Aid Mentions in Party Manifestos from 1960 to 2012. Discussion openers: Saliha Metinsoy, Soetkin Verhaegen
- Kurt Annen (University of Guelph), Stephen Kosempel (University of Guelph), Why Aid-to-GDP Ratios? Discussion openers: Christopher Kilby, Valentin Lang
- Motoshi Suzuki (Kyoto University), Azusa Uji (ETH Zurich and Kyoto University), Effective Allocation Strategies and Distributional Conflict in Foreign Aid. Discussion openers: Shannon Carcelli, Dawid Walentek
- David Leblang (University of Virginia), Christina Schneider (University of California San Diego), Jennifer Tobin (Georgetown University), Protecting Home Abroad – Financial Rescues As Migration Prevention. Discussion openers: Dimitrios Minos, Sara Norrevik
10:45-11:15 am Break
11:15-1:00 pm Session 6: Trade
Chair: Christopher Kilby
- Marco Martini (Princeton University), Investigating the Industry-Level Pattern of Dispute Escalation in International Trade Relations. Discussion openers: Renee Bowen, Yoav Raskin
- Eric Arias (College of William and Mary), Impartiality in International Courts: Evidence from a Natural Experiment at the WTO. Discussion openers: Stephen Chaudoin, Soo Yeon Kim
- Boram Lee (Harvard University), The Political Logic of Strange Coalitions: International Organizations as a Commitment Device for Activists in Pro-Trade Coalitions. Discussion opener: Tuuli-Anna Huikuri
1:00-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-3:45 pm Session 7: Multilateral Development Banks
Chair: Lawrence Broz
- Kevin Gallagher (Boston University), Christopher Kilby (Villanova University), The Political Economy of World Bank Lending: An Empirical Analysis of Environmental and Social Safeguards at the World Bank. Discussion openers: Robert A. Huber, Katharina Michaelowa
- Erica Gould (Stanford University), Access to Accountability: Assessing Selection Effects Associated with Multilateral Development Bank Internal Accountability Offices. Discussion openers: Ranjit Lall, Christina Schneider
- Sarah Bermeo (Duke University), Complementary Multilateralism: Rethinking the International Development Regime. Discussion openers: Daniela Donno, Jennifer Tobin
3:45-4:15 Moving to Edmundsburg
4:15-6:00 pm Poster Session & Reception
(Location: Edmundsburg, Mönchsberg 2)
European Union and Institutions
- Lasse Aaskoven (University of Essex), Rasmus Wiese (University of Groningen), How Fiscal Rules Matter for Government Debt Reduction: Theory and Evidence. Discussants: Layna Mosley, Matthew Rablen
- Katharina Meissner (University of Vienna), Bilateralism Versus Inter-Regionalism in the Design of EU Trade Policy. Discussants: Ryan Brutger, Manfred Elsig
- Dominik Schraff (ETH Zurich), Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zurich), Eurozone Bailouts and National Democracy: Detachment or Resilience? Discussants: Mark Copelovitch, Magnus Lundgren
- Martijn Huysmans (Utrecht University), Exporting Protection: Geographical Indications in EU Trade Agreements. Discussants: Andreas Dür, Tobias Hofmann
- Giovanna Iannantuoni (University of Milan Bicocca), Elena Manzoni (University of Verona), Francesca Rossi (University of Verona), Does Spatial Correlation Matter? An Innovative Approach to the Characterisation of the European Political Space. Discussants: Federica Genovese, Stefanie Walter
- Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University), Yoav Raskin (Tel Aviv University), Eyal Rubinson (NATO Defense College), Sharing the Gains of European Integration: Are EU Institutions Vehicles of Domination? Discussants: J Lawrence Broz, Stefanie Walter
- Sara Norrevik (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), Public Trust and Support for Comprehensive Trade Agreements in the European Parliament. Discussants: Haillie Na-Kyung Lee, Jonas Tallberg
- Arthur Dyevre (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Nicolas Lampach (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Issue Attention on International Courts: A Text-Mining Approach. Discussants: Eric Arias, Stephen Chaudoin
- Nikitas Konstantinidis (IE University), Konstantinos Matakos (King’s College London), A Theory of Intra-Party Bargaining under Supranational Policy Constraints. Discussants: Patrick Bayer, Simon Hug
Aid and Loans
- Daniela Donno (University of Cyprus), Sara Fox (University of Pittsburgh), Joshua Kaasik (University of Pittsburgh), Compliance or Camouflage? Foreign Aid, International Norms and Incentives for Women’s Rights in Dictatorships. Discussants: Sarah Bermeo, Axel Dreher
- Shannon Carcelli (Princeton University), The Institutional Foundations of Foreign Aid Fragmentation. Discussants: Katharina Michaelowa, Motoshi Suzuki
- Aitor Erce (European Stability Mechanism), Giancarlo Corsetti (University of Cambridge), Timothy Uy (Deloitte), Official Sector Lending Strategies During the Euro Area Crisis. Discussants: Kurt Annen, Christopher Kilby
- Soetkin Verhaegen (Stockholm University), Jan Aart Scholte (University of Gothenburg), Jonas Tallberg (Stockholm University), Elite Perceptions of Legitimacy in Global Governance. Discussants: Simone Dietrich, Albana Shehaj
- David Mihalyi (Central European University), Akos Mate (Central European University), Text-Mining IMF Country Reports – An Original Dataset. Discussants: Saliha Metinsoy, Bernhard Reinsberg
- Randall Stone (University of Rochester), Kevin Clarke (University of Rochester), The Unobserved IMF. Discussants: Valentin Lang, Thomas Stubbs
Trade and Investment
- Tuuli-Anna Huikuri (University of Oxford), Terminating to Renegotiate: Bargaining in the Investment Treaty Regime. Discussants: Renee Bowen, Samantha Moya
- Yoram Haftel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Soo Yeon Kim (National University of Singapore), Lotem Bassan (University of Wisconsin-Madison), High-Income Developing Countries and the IIA Regime: The Role of Capital Flows, Democracy, and Investment Arbitration. Discussants: Sarah Brooks, Adrian Shin
- Thomas Sattler (University of Geneva), Tanja Schweinberger (University of Geneva), Trade as a Foreign Policy Issue: A Bilateral Micro Perspective. Discussants: Christoph Moser, Jennifer Tobin
- Tarald L. Berge (University of Oslo), Axel Berger (German Development Institute), Does Investor-State Dispute Settlement Cases Lead to Regulatory Chill? Cross-Country Evidence from Environmental Regulation. Discussants: Robert A. Huber, Gabriele Spilker
- Ryan Brutger (University of Pennsylvania), Siyao Li (University of Pennsylvania), Institutional Design, Information Transmission, and Public Opinion: Making the Case for Trade. Discussants: Lisa Lechner, Marco Martini
- Sebastian Klotz (World Trade Institute, University of Bern), The Nexus between the World Trade Organization and Codex Alimentarius. Discussants: Eric Arias, B. Peter Rosendorff
- Lauren Konken (Princeton University), Silence is Golden? Revisiting Third Party Participation in World Trade Organization Litigation. Discussants: Boram Lee, Andrew Lugg
Legitimacy and Cooperation
- Sebastian Krapohl (University of Amsterdam), Václav Ocelík (University of Amsterdam), Dawid Walentek (University of Amsterdam), The Instability of Globalization: Applying Evolutionary Game Theory to Global Trade Cooperation. Discussants: Matthew Gould, Diana Stanescu
- Dawid Walentek (University of Amsterdam), Instrumental or Symbolic? The Role of Multilateral Economics Sanctions. Discussants: Merih Angin, Boram Lee
- Michal Parízek (Charles University, Prague), Matthew Stephen (WZB Berlin Social Science Center), From Power to Representation: the Changing Trade-off between Control and Representative Legitimacy in the Staffing of International Organizations. Discussants: Dan Honig, Amanda Kennard
- Marek Endrich (University of Hamburg), Jerg Gutmann (University of Hamburg), Pacem in Terris: Are Papal Visits Good News for Human Rights? Discussants: Kurt Annen, Bernhard Reinsberg
- Markus Gastinger (TU Dresden), Henning Schmidtke (GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies), Mission Completed? Approaching International Organizations from an Incomplete Contracts Theory Perspective Using Automated Text Analysis Tools. Discussants: Manfred Elsig, Ranjit Lall
- Hyeran Jo (Texas A&M University), Joowon Lee (Texas A&M University), Reforming Rebels: Access and Success of the United Nations Action Plans. Discussants: Dan Honig, Ronny Patz
- Liam Beiser-McGrath (ETH Zurich), Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich), Individuals or Issues? Explaining Mass Support for International Cooperation. Discussants: Brendan Connell, Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir
- Charles Roger (Institut Barcelona D’Estudis Internacionals), Sam Rowan (University of Oxford), Informality and Bias in Studies of International Organizations. Discussants: Tyler Pratt, Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir
- Stephan Michel (University of Hamburg), Fanny Schories (University of Hamburg), In for a Penny, in for a Pound: Accession Costs and Voting Rules in International Organizations. Discussants: Erica Gould, Daniel Nielson
- Lauri Peterson (Uppsala University), Domestic and International Climate Policy: Complements or Substitutes. Discussants: Vally Koubi, Azusa Uji
7:00 pm Dinner
(Location: Goldene Kugel, Judengasse 3)
Saturday, February 9, 2019
(Location: Unipark Nonntal, Josef-Preis-Allee)
9:00-10:45 am Session 8: IMF II
Chair: Christoph Moser
- Saliha Metinsoy (University of Groningen), What Causes Labor Unrest under IMF Programs? Labor Conditions, Mobility, and Unrest. Discussion openers: Simone Dietrich, Eyal Rubinson
- Bernhard Reinsberg (University of Glasgow), Alexander Kentikelenis (University of Oxford), Thomas Stubbs (Royal Holloway-University of London), Unimplementable by Design? A Theory of Compliance with International Monetary Fund Policy Conditionality. Discussion openers: Melissa M. Lee, Motoshi Suzuki
- Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University), Valentin Lang (University of Zurich), B. Peter Rosendorff (New York University), James Raymond Vreeland (Princeton University), Buying Votes and International Organizations: The Dirty-Work Hypothesis. Discussion openers: Sarah Bermeo, Daniel Nielson
10:45-11:15 am Break
11:15-1:00 pm Session 9: Natural and Political Environment
Chair: B. Peter Rosendorff
- Federica Genovese (University of Essex), Richard McAlexander (Columbia University), Johannes Urpelainen (SAIS JHU), Contentions and Alliances in International Climate Negotiations. Discussion openers: Vally Koubi, Sam Rowan
- Patrick Bayer (University of Glasgow), Strategic Government Enforcement and Firm Compliance with International Regulation: Evidence from Carbon Regulation. Discussion openers: Lauri Peterson, Gabriele Spilker
- Sarah Brooks (Ohio State University), Raphael Cuhna (Florida State University), Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Elections, Ideology or Experience? Sovereign Bond Investors and Government Change. Discussion openers: Liam Beiser-McGrath, Christoph Moser
1:00-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-4:20 pm Session 10: European Union
Chair: Randall Stone
- Mark Copelovitch (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Allison Myren (Harvard University), Monetary and Fiscal Fetters: Macroeconomic Constraints and the Politics of Countercyclical Credit Management. Discussion openers: Layna Mosley, Tal Sadeh
- Brendan Connell (University of Colorado Boulder), Samantha Moya (University of Colorado Boulder), Adrian Shin (University of Colorado Boulder), Migration and Economic Coercion. Discussion openers: Martijn Huysmans, Ronny Patz
- Magnus Lundgren (Stockholm University), Jonas Tallberg (Stockholm University), Fabio Wasserfallen (University of Salzburg), Supranational Influence in the Reform of the Eurozone. Discussion openers: Francesca Rossi, Dominik Schraff
- Tobias Hofmann (University of Utah), How Long to Compliance? Escalating Infringement Proceedings and the Diminishing Power of Special Interests. Discussion openers: Elena Manzoni, Christina Schneider
4:20-4:30 pm: Closing Remarks
6:00 pm Dinner (optional, at own expense)
(Location: Die Weisse, Das Wirtshaus, Rupertgasse 10)
Sunday, February 10, 2019
8:30 am Ski Trip to Flachau (optional, at own expense and risk)
Generous funding provided by:
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